Yet More Cicada Haiku

Nate Johnson
2 min readJun 15, 2021
Cicadas mating in the road.

Cicada Haiku #43
They’re not very smart.
But when they are trillions strong,
they don’t have to be.

Cicada Haiku #44
What if they did this
every year in the spring time?
I would move away.

Cicada Haiku #45
One point five million.
That’s how many per acre.
Holy smokes, Batman!!

Cicada Haiku #46
As a musician,
outdoor gigs suck right now.
They just won’t shut up!

Cicada Haiku #47
It really disrupts
your concentration to be
smacked right in the head.

Cicada Haiku #48
No one really wants
to be overwhelmed by bugs.
Yet here we all are.

Cicada Haiku #49
I am just so glad
that my dog doesn’t eat them.
He knows what is good.

Cicada Haiku #50
It seems that the birds
have better places to be
than my bird feeder.

Cicada Haiku #51
How is it that they
manage to make it inside
our homes and our cars?

Cicada Haiku #52
What’s that sound I hear?
Is it an edge trimmer or
is it bugs? It’s bugs.

Cicada Haiku #53
What must visitors
think who are traveling here
for the first time? Wow.

Cicada Haiku #54
People can you get out
and sweep up the dead bodies
off the sidewalks, please?

Cicada Haiku #55
Some trees are louder
than others. Some of the trees
are insanely loud.

Cicada Haiku #56
The noise, the buzzing,
the pulsing cacophony.
It can drive you mad.

Cicada Haiku #57
Poems of mad men
tell stories of invasion.
Invasion by bugs.

Cicada Haiku #58
It is amazing.
I’m getting endless haiku
from these cicadas.

Cicada Haiku #59
I write a haiku
about me writing haiku.
It is so meta!

Cicada Haiku #60
If a child were born
and died before the next hatch
it would be tragic.

Cicada Haiku #61
Cicadas trigger
my own dark sense of humor.
It is what it is.

Cicada Haiku #62
Why did Ed Gorey
not write about cicadas?
He really missed out.

Cicada Haiku #63
What if they were big?
Bigger even than they are?
Oh no! Please, God no!



Nate Johnson

Information security analyst and consultant. Incident response specialist. Jazz musician. Fly angler. Dad. All around decent fellow.